Using Suggested Load

Personalize weight prescription for your athletes.


Required Tablet App: Version 1.68.1+

Prescribe a target velocity, and Perch will recommend a load based on each athlete's Load Velocity Profile.

Programming with Suggested Load

Adding to a Plan 

1. Start by setting a target velocity, either a manual velocity or preset zone. 

2. Select the Perch Owl from the weight select to enable Suggested Load.
 Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 1.24.32 PM

Note: A velocity goal is required for Perch to display a Suggested Load to an athlete.Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 1.10.37 PM

How is Suggested Load calculated?


When prescribing a zone velocity goal (0.5 m/s - 0.6 m/s): 

Perch will display the suggested weight for the midpoint of the zone selected. The load will be extrapolated from that middle point as a whole number and Perch will round to the nearest loadable weight on the bar, either up or down.

For example, if prescribing a zone of 0.5 m/s -0.6 m/s, Perch will calculate the midpoint, .55 m/s, and reflect the corresponding weight from each athlete's Load Velocity Profile. 

Prescribing a specific velocity goal (0.5 m/s):

Perch will reflect the corresponding weight from each athlete's Load Velocity Profile. Similar to the zone, the weight will be rounded to the nearest loadable weight on the bar, either up or down. 

Using Suggested Load on the Tablet

Once you've created and published your program or workout on the web, you can activate and start using it with your athletes!

  • When the set(s) with Suggested Load are selected, the weight in the box will display in blue with the Perch Intelligence Owl beside it - this will tell the athlete what load to put on the bar for the given lift.
  • To view the full range (min and max) suggested weight, select the weight to open the weight editor.

Entering a weight outside of the recommended range:

If an athlete enters a weight outside of the Suggested Weight range, the athlete will see an arrow up or down to indicate that they are outside of the range that Perch recommends, either above or below.

Why use Suggested Load?

  • Customization: Each athlete is built differently, and reacts differently across a spectrum of loads. Using Suggested Load will allow you to create programs that are more specific to each individual, since the data will be based on each athlete's training history and Load Velocity profile.
  • Athlete buy-in: Suggested Load allows the athlete to compete with former versions of themselves and more easily understand if they're over performing or underperforming vs their past lifts.
  • Less guessing: Setting loads based on past lifts will give athlete's an understanding of where they should be lifting, and take out the guess work in building up to your working sets and help them  get into working sets quicker
  • Time Savings: Using Perch's built in intelligence will remove some of the thinking and give you time back to coach your athletes!

Other ways to Personalize programming 

In addition to Suggested Weight, you can use Perch's Dynamic Velocity Goal to prescribe personalized velocity zone goals based on each individual athlete's Load Velocity Profile (LVP).