Keyboard Shortcuts

Program more efficiently with Perch

When putting together Programs, Workouts, and Templates in Perch PLAN, you can select various actions with your mouse, or use specific "hotkeys" on your keyboard to navigate through the page. We have based our keyboard shortcuts on excel, however there are some notable differences.

Below is a list of the essential keyboard shortcuts we have implemented within Perch PLAN:

What is a Tab Key? Tab

Complete an action and move right

Learn about the keyboard What is a Tab Key? Shift + Tab

Complete an action and move left

Left Arrow Key Button Vector Image ... Left arrow

Move a box to the left

Right arrow

Move a box to the right

Up arrow

Move up a box

Down arrow

Move down a box

Learn about the keyboard Enter

Complete an action OR open a menu and select an option (activity, goal, options, etc.)

Learn about the keyboard7,000+ Computer Arrow Keys Stock Photos ... Shift + Arrows

Stop typing and navigate to different boxes directionally