Frequent Ghost Reps

A ghost rep is an additional rep that pops up, but that you didn't perform. Examples can include:

  • Dropping the weight after a snatch, the weight bounces, and the system picks that up as a rep.
  • Picking a hang clean up from the blocks or crash bars, and counting the pick up as a rep.

Our system uses Automated Ghost Rep deletion, meaning we try to predict what is and what is not a rep. This helps to minimize the number of ghost reps you will see. This algorithm uses the context of an entire set to work and it is therefore exercise specific. It is imperative that you choose the correct exercises. This will minimize your ghost reps. 

Here are a few examples:

  • You are cleaning from the ground. You pick the exercise "Clean" in our exercise list. You see a lot of ghost reps. If you switch the exercise from "Clean" to "Power cCean," these ghost reps will be minimized.
  • You are snatching from the ground. You pick the exercise "Snatch" in our exercise list. You see a lot of ghost reps. If you switch the exercise from "Snatch" to "Power Snatch," these ghost reps will be minimized.

This system is good, but it's not perfect. If you are still seeing ghost reps, we make it really easy to delete them. Check that out here.